Complete Assignments
Access Exercises
Each assignment module in Medical Language Lab contains multiple exercises that are sorted into activity types. The activity types and exercises within each module can be customized by your instructor and may vary depending on the text. You will potentially see the following activity types: Read, Watch, Critical Listening, Response, Generation, Pronounce, Practice, and Review.
Don’t forget to review the Due Date for each Exercise. Work submitted after the due date will not be recorded in your Instructor’s Gradebook, unless your Instructor opts to accept late submissions (see Late Submissions section).
After completing each Exercise, check the Exercise Status and Grade fields to confirm that your work has been submitted.
Activity Types
Critical Listening
Critical Listening Exercises begin with an audio recording. You'll first listen to a Critical Listening Exercise's audio recording to familiarize yourself with its content, then you'll click the "Continue to Questions" button to answer the questions associated with the audio. After submitting, you will be able to review your results, replay the audio, view a transcript, or try again.
Multiple-choice questions will follow, based upon the audio recording.
Response Exercises are also based upon an audio recording prompt. Some Response Exercises, however, will require you to record your own voice as the submission. Listen to the audio recording (1) to familiarize yourself with the content, then click the "Continue to Questions" button (2) to answer the questions associated with the audio recording.
In the case of a Pronunciation Exercise, click the "Record" button (1) and then read the statement precisely as written, to be be scored automatically based upon how well you pronounce the statement.. You'll be able to review your recorded answer by clicking the "Preview" button, and may re-record your answer if you wish.
Once you are satisfied with your recording, click "Submit" (2). After submitting, you will be able to review your results, replay the audio, view a transcript, or try again. You will need either an internal or external microphone to complete these exercises. If you are asked to grant the system access, click Allow.
Generation Exercises are graded by your instructor, and are comprised of two types: Audio and Text.
Audio Generation
These exercises ask you to record yourself saying a sentence or two using the appropriate medical terminology. You will need either an internal or external microphone to complete these exercises. If you are asked to grant the system access, click "Allow."
Then, click the Record button (1). When finished speaking, click the
button to stop recording.
Click Preview (2) to play back your recording, and Submit (3) once completed. Or, to start over, click Reset.
Note: Smartphones generally do not support MLL’s Audio Generation activities. Please also avoid using Internet Explorer. Desktop and laptop computers with Mac OS or Windows 7,8,10 are generally supported, with Google Chrome being the recommended browser. Chromebooks are supported. iPads may be supported with the latest versions of iOS.
When recording your responses, note the visual cue below. If the sound waves are not appearing on your screen, your audio is not being captured and you may need to try a different device.
Text Generation
When completing a Text Generation Exercise, you are asked to write a sentence or two using medical terminology. Type in your answer and then click "Submit."
Remember that Generation Exercises are not graded automatically, so you will not see a grade in your Gradebook for these exercises until your instructor has evaluated your submission and assigned a grade.
Pronounce will include exercises for you to practice the pronunciation of medical terms. Select the microphone icon to record. At the end of the assignment, you will receive phonetic feedback.
Practice Exercises are diversified to allow for types of learning outside of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Some may be reported to the Gradebook, while others (such as Flash Cards, Crossword) are not graded.
Review Assignments
Review Assignments contains the Module Test for each module, which is a comprehensive, multiple-choice test. Once you complete this Module Test, you will be assigned up to three additional, optional remediation opportunities based upon your performance.