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Instructor: Assignments: Dosage Calc 360
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Assignments View


Instructor View

The Assignments view helps you to track all assignments and their scheduled start/due dates, as well as class participation.


On the main Dashboard page, the What’s Next? panel provides a glimpse of current and upcoming assignments (3 at a time), showing what percent of students have begun working on the assigned module.


Screenshot of dashboard with red arrow pointing to "View Assignments"


To access the full list of assignments with start/due dates and participation rates, select the View All Assignments button, or click the Assignments tab at the top right of the page. This master list of Assignments also links to the Gradebook, where you can view student scores for each topic.


Screenshot of assignments page with red box around "Assignments" tab and red arrow pointing to blue gradebook button



Student View

For students, the "What's Next?" box will show them the next three modules and when they are due, along with the percentage of the module they have completed. To begin working on a module, students must click the "Start" button.

Screenshot of "What's Next" box with red arrow pointing to green start button


Dosage Calc 360 follows a "Learn, Practice, Assess" model.


"Learn"  delivers must-know content in student-friendly modules. 


Screenshot of Introduction to Fractions "Learn" tab with red arrow pointing to the tab


"Practice" gives students the experience they need to master the content.


Screenshot of Introduction to Fractions "Practice" tab with red arrow pointing to the tab


"Assess" lets students and instructors easily track performance.


Screenshot of module assessment


To view all parts of a module, students can click the "Assignments" tab (1) and then click the "Details" button (2).

screenshot of assignments tab with red arrow pointing to the assignments tab (1) and the details button (2)

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