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Home > Kinesiology in Action > Instructor > Instructor: Manage Late Work, Due Dates and Reset Assignments: Kinesiology in Action
Instructor: Manage Late Work, Due Dates and Reset Assignments: Kinesiology in Action
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Accept Late Work

Late work, or any assignments submitted after your designated due date, will be marked in red in your Gradebook. When viewing an assignment, you may choose to allow a late submission from an individual student, or you may choose to accept late work from the entire class.


Screenshot of Kinesiology In Action instructor gradebook with red boxes and arrows highlighting (1) a grade of zero for a student who didn't complete an assignment by its due date (2) the options to "Accept Late Work," "Extend Due Date," or "Reset Assignment" for that student with a zero


To allow late work from an individual student, select Accept Late Work next to the student’s name.


Screenshot of Kinesiology In Action instructor gradebook with a red box and arrow highlighting the "Accept Late Work" option for a student's incomplete assignment


To allow late work from the whole class, click the Accept Late Work button next to For Class.


Screenshot of Kinesiology In Action instructor gradebook in the "Class" display option. Boxes and arrows which highlight the "For Class" versions of the "Accept Late Work," "Extend Due Date," and "Reset Assignment" functions, which will execute those functions on a class-wide basis for whatever module is displayed below


When opting to accept late work at the student or class level, please note the pop-up message. This action cannot be undone. Select Confirm to accept the late work.


Screenshot showing a pop-up that asks instructor to confirm the choice to reset the assignment with a note reminding the instructor that this action cannot be reversed


Late work that has been accepted will change from red to black text:


Screenshot of Kinesiology In Action instructor gradebook with a grade for late work that was accepted.


Extend Due Dates

The Gradebook also gives you the option to extend a due date for an assignment. This can be done for an individual student or for all students.


To extend a due date for an individual student, select Extend Due Date next to the student’s name.


Screenshot of due date calendar that pops up when "Extend Due Date" is selected for an exercise


To extend a due date for the whole class, select the Extend Due Date next to For Class.


Select the new due date from the calendar window. When opting to extend a due date at the student or class level, note the pop-up message. This will change the due date for all topics within that module.


Screenshot of due date calendar which pops up when "Extend Due Date" is selected on the class-wide basis


Select Yes to confirm.


Screenshot of confirmation popup when an extended due date is selected, specifying the exercise's previous due date will be overwritten


The updated due date will then be displayed in the Gradebook for that module.


Screenshot which highlights an updated due date in the Kinesiology In Action instructor gradebook


Reset an Assignment

In the Gradebook, you can reset an assignment by deleting a student’s grades and enabling them to begin again with a “clean slate.”


To reset an assignment for an individual student, select the Reset Assignment button next to that student’s name.


Screenshot highlighting the instructor gradebook's "Reset Assignment" function


To reset an assignment for the whole class, click the Reset Assignment button in the For Class line.


Screenshot highlighting the "Reset Assignment" function on the class-wide basis


When opting to reset an assignment at the student or class level, please note the pop-up message. This action cannot be undone, and the student(s) who are reset will need to complete the topic from scratch. Select Yes to reset the assignment.


Screenshot of the confirmation popup that shows when an instructor has chosen to reset an assignment, specifying there's no way to undo the reset of an assignment.


Students’ grades will be deleted if an assignment is reset. The score will remain blank until the student completes the assignment again.


Screenshot with a red box and arrow highlighting the empty grade that shows when an assignment has been reset


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