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Home > Davis 360° > Student > Student: Practice Quizzes: Davis 360
Student: Practice Quizzes: Davis 360
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This article is for Davis 360 products, which include Dosage Calc 360 and Test Success 360. While we use Dosage Calc 360 as an example, this information applies to all Davis 360 products.


Create a Practice Quiz

To create a practice quiz, click Metrics (1) on the top navigation menu. Then, click the "Create Practice Quiz" button (2). 


Screenshot of student Dosage Calc 360 dashboard, highlighting 1) "METRCS" link in the top navigation bar 2) "Create Practice Quiz" button in the "My Performance" panel.


You can also create a practice quiz by scrolling down to the bottom of your Davis 360 dashboard and clicking the "Create Quiz" button.


Screenshot highlighting "Dashboard" link in top navigation bar and "Create Quiz" button at the bottom of the Dashboard.


Enter a name for your Practice Quiz (1). Then, click the checkboxes next to content you want to draw from to create your Practice Quiz (2). You can click the "Select All" checkbox to create a quiz covering all key topics available or you can select one or more topics at a time.


Screenshot highlighting 1) "Quiz Name" entry bar 2) checkboxes for topics to include.


Scroll down to select the number of questions in your quiz (3). You can choose between 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 questions. 


The quiz will default to filter out questions you have previously answered correctly (4). If you do not want the quiz to filter out questions you have previously answered correctly, you can click "No."


When you've got all the parameters for your Practice Quiz set, select "Start Quiz" (5). 


Screenshot highlighting 3) question number choice for a Practice Quiz 4) choice of whether to filter out questions you've previously answered correctly 5) the "Start Quiz" button at the bottom of the Practice Quiz builder.


After you click "Start Quiz," your Practice Quiz will be created and ready for you to begin. 


Screenshot of Practice Quiz question.




Review Results

Once you have completed the quiz, you can review the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly. 


Screenshot highlighting "Review" button seen at a Practice Quiz results page.

When reviewing your results on a Practice Quiz, you can click "Show" for a question to review correct answers and rationales.


Screenshot highlighting the "Show" dropdown for a question on a Practice Quiz results page.



You can always review previously completed Practice Quizzes by going to your Metrics page (1), scrolling down and choosing to display "Practice Quizzes" (2), then clicking a "Results" button (3) for a completed Practice Quiz. 


Screenshot of student Dosage Calc 360 Metrics page, highlighting 1) "METRICS" in the navigation bar 2) "Practice Quizzes" chosen as a "My Performance" display option 3) the "Results" button for a completed Practice Quiz.


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