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Student: Review Tips: Davis Edge
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Feedback Report

The Feedback Report displays your areas of strength and weakness and enables you to create practice quizzes based on your areas of need. The Feedback Report will also list the Success Level you achieved for each topic area.


Access Feedback Report

To access the Feedback Report, click the blue "Feedback Report" button located on the Success Center page.

screenshot of Davis Edge student Success Center, with a box and arrow highlighting the "Feedback Report" button within the "Take Action" panel


Create a Quiz Based on Areas of Weakness

From the Feedback Report, you can create a practice quiz based on (1) areas of weakness, or (2) specific topics.


Screenshot of Davis Edge student Feedback Report, with numbered boxes highlighting 1) the "Create Practice Quiz on Weak Areas" button 2) the "Create Practice Quiz" hyperlink next to a Course Topic


Review Mode

You can access a Study Guide that is built from all of the questions you have answered correctly. Click on "Review Mode."

screenshot of Davis Edge student Success Center, with a box and arrow highlighting the "Review Mode" button within the "Take Action" panel


Step 1: Choose the filter parameter you'd like to use, such as Course Topic or Concept. You can also include only questions that you have bookmarked. Note that some texts may also ask you to select your Program.


Step 2: Select one, several, or all options.


Step 3: Click "Review" to reveal Question Details based upon the parameters you selected.


screenshot of parameters options presented when creating a Davis Edge study guide


screenshot of question feedback, with boxed arrows highlight a bookmark button and a note-adding feature.


You can also Bookmark a question for future review or Add Notes to a question.




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