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Home > Davis Edge > Instructor > Instructor: Manage Students: Davis Edge
Instructor: Manage Students: Davis Edge
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Manage Students

Once you have created a class and shared its Class ID with your students, your students will request to join the course roster.

*If you did not check the “Auto-Enroll Students” box when creating your Davis Edge class, you must manually admit students into your class before those students can view assignments and submit work to your instructor Gradebook.*


View Roster

Review your student roster to see if there are students waiting to be admitted into your class. To view the roster, or to accept/reject students, click "Roster" for a class on your Classes page.


Screenshot of Davis Edge instructor Classes page, highlighting the "Roster" hyperlink for an active class.


The class roster will display, with students’ names and e-mail addresses. You have the ability to “Unenroll” students from the class as needed.


Screenshot of Davis Edge instructor Roster, highlighting the "Unenroll" option within an enrolled student's "Action" button dropdown menu.


Accepting/Rejecting Enrollment Requests

If Auto-Enroll was turned off for your class, students will remain pending until you confirm or deny their enrollment. To accept a student into the class, select the "Accept" option from the "Action" dropdown menu next to the student's name.


Screenshot of Davis Edge instructor Roster, highlighting the "Accept" option within a pending student's "Action" button dropdown menu.


To prevent a student from entering a class, click the "Reject" option. You may write a message to the student you are rejecting from the class by typing it in the open text box before selecting Reject.


Screenshot of Davis Edge instructor Roster, highlighting 1) a "Reason for Rejection" entry box  2) a pending student's "Action" button dropdown menu 3) the "Reject" option within a pending student's "Action" button dropdown menu.


You may bulk-approve students by clicking the (1) "Select All" checkbox, then (2) "Accept All" button. Similarly, you may choose to "Reject All."


Screenshot of pending Davis Edge students, highlighting 1) the "Select All" checkbox 2) the "Accept All" button.




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