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Home > Surg Tech in Practice > Instructor > Instructor: Dashboard: Assignments, Metrics and Gradebook: Surg Tech in Practice
Instructor: Dashboard: Assignments, Metrics and Gradebook: Surg Tech in Practice
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Dashboard: Assignments, Metrics and Gradebook

To access your Dashboard of student performance data, select the View button on the line with the name of your class.

The Dashboard view provides at-a-glance, actionable analytics for instructors. Class performance indicators include participation rate, average assessment score, average time spent, and top module types. The Top Module Type section ranks your class’s overall performance on the different types of modules across all chapters.




Metrics View

Instructor: Metrics Page: Surg Tech in Practice from F.A. Davis on Vimeo.


The Metrics view helps you to identify class strengths and weaknesses on a topic-by-topic basis. To access from the Dashboard page, you can select the View Metrics button or click the METRICS tab at the top of the page.

For each topic, a quick glance reveals overall class performance on the practice exercises or the module assessments. For overall class performance, you may see the following:


Green thumbs-up: The average score of all students in the class is 85% or better for the topic.

Yellow thumbs-up: The average score of all students in the class is between 70-84% for the topic.

Orange thumbs-down: The average score of all students in the class is 69% or below for that topic.



To expand a topic to display individual student performance, select View Student. On the individual student level, students receive:

  • Green thumbs-up: The student’s score for the topic is 85% or better, demonstrating competency.
  • Yellow thumbs-up: The student’s score for the topic is between 70-84%.
  • Orange thumbs-down: The student’s score for the topic is 69% or below, demonstrating a need for remediation.


To see the answers recorded for an individual student, click on the student’s name.

Assignments View

The Assignments view helps you to track all assignments and their scheduled start/due dates, as well as class participation.

On the main Dashboard page, the What’s Next?” panel provides a glimpse of current and upcoming assignments (3 at a time), showing what percentage of students have begun to work on the assigned module.

To access the full list of assignments with start/due dates and participation rates, select the View All Assignments button, or click the ASSIGNMENTS tab at the top right of the page.



Here you can preview all the chapter assignments that your students will complete by clicking the Chapter Assignments tab.


Here you can also view Test Bank Assignments by clicking the Test Bank Assignments tab.





The Gradebook view provides a deeper dive into the scores recorded for your students for each assigned topic and module assessment.


In the Gradebook tab, your selected grading rules will be displayed at the top of the page. Note that these are the rules you identified when you set up your class. (See Grading Options.) These rules determine how credit is awarded to students, and how their scores populate in the Gradebook.



The Assignment dropdown menu allows you to toggle between topics to see your class’s grades for the chosen assignment.


To view an individual student’s grade, select the Student tab at the right of the page (1). Use the Student dropdown to select the name of an individual student (2).





Late Work

Instructor: Accepting Late Work: Surg Tech in Practice from F.A. Davis on Vimeo.



Late work, or any assignments submitted after your designated due date, will be marked with red text in your Gradebook. When viewing an assignment, you may choose to allow a late submission from an individual student, or you may choose to accept late work from the entire class.

To allow late work from an individual student, select Accept Late Work in line with the individual assignment while viewing grades in the Student display tab.


To allow late work from the whole class, click the Accept Late Work next to For Class while viewing grades in the Class display tab.

When opting to accept late work at the student or class level, please note the pop-up message:


Late work that has been accepted will change from red to black text:

Extend Due Date

Instructor: Extend a Due Date: Surg Tech in Practice from F.A. Davis on Vimeo.


The Gradebook also gives you the option to extend a due date for an assignment. This can be done for an individual student or for all students.

To extend a due date for an individual student, select Extend Due Date next to the student’s name.

To extend a due date for the whole class, select the Extend Due Date next to For Class.

Select the new due date from the calendar window. 

When opting to extend a due date at the student or class level, note the pop-up message. This will change the due date for all topics within that module. Select Yes to confirm.


The updated due date will then be displayed in the Gradebook for that module.

Reset an Assignment

Instructor: Resetting an Assignment: Surg Tech in Practice from F.A. Davis on Vimeo.


In the Gradebook, you can reset an assignment by deleting a student’s grades and enabling them to begin again with a "clean slate."

To reset an assignment for an individual student, select the Reset Assignment button next to that student’s name.

To reset an assignment for the whole class, click the Reset Assignment button in the For Class line.

When opting to reset an assignment at the student or class level, please note the pop-up message.

This action cannot be undone, and the student(s) who are reset will need to complete the topic from scratch. Select Yes to reset the assignment.


Students’ grades will be deleted if an assignment is reset. The score will remain blank until the student completes the assignment again.


Export the Gradebook

Surg Tech in Practice provides the option to download your students’ grades to an Excel spreadsheet. The exported scores may also be uploaded into a learning management system, such as Angel, Blackboard, Canvas, D2L, or Moodle. 

To download a spreadsheet of all student grades…

Select Export Gradebook (1), choose your preferred format from the dropdown menu (2) and click Export Score (3) to download the file.



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