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Instructor: Create a Class: Dosage Calc 360
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Create a Class


DC360: Creating and Customizing a Class (Instructor) from F.A. Davis on Vimeo.


Once you have logged into Dosage Calc 360°, the Classes page will appear. Your active classes will be displayed on this page. You must create a class in order to track students’ progress.

Click the Add Class button.

Screenshot of Dosage Calc classes page with a red arrow pointing to Add Class button

Class Details

After clicking the Add Class button, the “Class Set-up” page will open.

Screenshot of class set-up page in Dosage Calc 360 that shows the first screen in the process of creating a class.

Next, enter your class details starting with Class Name. Enter the name of your course. This is a mandatory field.

​​ ​Screenshot of class name field in Dosage Calc 360 with an example class name.

If you like, you can include a description of the class. This field is optional.

Screenshot of the class description input box in Dosage Calc 360.

Class Start and End Dates

Enter the start and end dates for the class by selecting the calendar icon. These are mandatory fields.


The Start Date is the date on which your class will become available to students. The End Date is the final day that students’ work will be accepted. Students will still have access to Dosage Calc 360° as a resource after a class ends (for the remainder of their 4-year access period).

Class End Time and Time Zone

By default, the class will end at 11:59 p.m. Eastern on the chosen End Date. However, you may choose to adjust the designated End Time and/or time zone.

Screenshot of class End Time and Time Zone fields in Dosage Calc 360\. The default end time of 11:59 PM is shown and an example time zone of Eastern.


Auto-Enroll Students will be pre-selected so that your students are automatically enrolled in your class when they enter your Class ID (see section on Class ID). If you do not opt to Auto-Enroll, you will need to manually accept student requests (see section on Student Roster).

Screenshot of Auto Enroll Students option with box checked

Independent Study

Check this box if you want students’ independent work (anything completed outside of a class) to be imported into your class upon enrollment. Work from other classes cannot be imported. Leave this un-checked if you want all students to begin with a “clean slate.” We recommend starting fresh.

Screenshot of an unchecked box next to Include Independent Study in Dosage Calc 360.

Custom vs. Default Settings

You will be asked to choose whether you would like to customize your class settings (this is recommended) or stick with the default settings. Once you have made your selection, select Next Step.

Please note you must select Next Step to save and advance to the next section of class creation.

Screenshot of "I am ready to customize my class" option selected

*If you have opted to keep the default settings, please skip to the Class ID section of this guide.




Customize Content

Preview Content

Each DC 360 module contains multiple topics. To expand and view the topic level, click the “Details” button. To see the content for a topic, click Preview Content.

Screenshot of open module with red letter pointing to Details button and red box around preview content

Module Assessments

At the end of each module will be a Module Assessment. Module Assessments typically contain approx. 15-20 questions. However, if you choose to turn off certain topics within a module, the Module Assessment will have fewer questions (see next section).

Screenshot of expanded module with red arrow pointing to module assessment

Remove Content

You have the option to choose which topic areas are included in your course. By default, all modules and their subtopics are included, but you may remove a module and/or topic by clicking the button in the Status column, turning it from On to Off.

You can turn an entire module off, or turn off only certain topics within the module.

Screenshot of expanded module with red arrows pointing to "off" buttons for entire module and module sections

Reorder Content

To change the order of the modules to match your course, click and drag a module using the ✥ icon at the right of the page.

Screenshot of class content page with red arrow pointing to green reorder buttons

To save and continue, please select “Next Step” at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of red arrow pointing to "next step" button

Set dates

If you choose to Set dates, you will be able to manually enter start and end dates for each module. This allows you to control the pacing of your course.

Click the calendar icon to adjust the date. The Start Date is the date on which students can begin working on the assignment (the start time is 12am). The End Date is the final day that students can submit the work to be considered on-time (the end time defaults to 11:59pm but can be changed, see below).

Screenshot of schedule content page with red arrows pointing to "set dates" option and calendar buttons on start and end dates

You can designate the End Time for all assignments at the bottom of the page. Work submitted after the designated end date/time will be marked Late in the Gradebook (see section on Late Work). The time zone here will match the time zone you chose in the initial class setup.

Screenshot of chosen assignment due time


All assignments open for the duration

If you choose to Keep assignments open for duration of class, all modules will be open as of the class start date, and will remain open until the end of the course – i.e., if your course ends on 2/20/2021, all assignments are due on 2/20/2021.

Screenshot of "Select Content" page with "Keep Assignments Open" option selected



Tollgate approach

If you choose to Use tollgate approach, this means that upon completion of a module, the next module in the course sequence will become available. In other words, a student cannot move on to Module #2 until Module #1 has been completed, and so on.

Screenshot of "Select Content" page with "Use Tollgate approach" option selected


Once you’ve made your selection, please select “Next Step” at the bottom of the page to save and continue.


Screenshot of Next step button with red arrow pointing to it


Grading Options

You have the option to choose grading rules for Practice and Assessment content in DC 360. “Recommended” rules are pre-selected, but can be customized. After viewing the lesson content for each topic, students will complete Practice exercises. By default, Practice Content is graded for Participation. 


Participation approach

Students will be awarded a participation grade based on the amount of work they have completed within the topic or assessment, regardless of their score. For example, if they have only finished half of the content by the due date, they receive a 50%. If they have completed all of the content by the due date, they receive 100%.


Screenshot of Grading options screen with "Participation Approach" selected

Once all practice exercises are completed for a module, students will take a Module Assessment. By default, Assessment Content is graded with the Traditional approach  (see also - Assessment Experience).


Traditional approach

The traditional approach scores each component based on a total of 100 percentage points and reflects the percentage of questions the student has answered correctly.

Screenshot of grading options for assessment content with traditional approach selected

The final option for Practice or Assessment Content is the Points approach.


Points approach

Students will be awarded points based on the amount of work they have completed within a topic or assessment, regardless of their score. You will need to set the desired point value for the topic or assessment. For example, if each topic is worth five points, and a student completes 80% of the activity, they would receive four points for that topic.


Screenshot of points approach selected


Assessment Experience 

Each module contains a Module Assessment to gauge students’ understanding of the topic areas. You may choose between two options for the Assessment Experience:


Grade on best attempt

With this model, students have unlimited attempts before the designated due date. The student’s best score on the Module Assessment will be recorded in your instructor Gradebook.


Screenshot of assessment experience grading options with Grade on Best attempt selected

Grade on first attempt

With this model, the first attempt by the student is the score that will record to your instructor Gradebook. The student may only take the Module Assessment once, but can go back and review answers / rationales.

screenshot of grading options for assessment experience with grade on first attempt selected

Please note that your grading rule selections for Assessment Content and Assessment Experience will also apply to Comprehensive Assessments if you create any (see next page).


Please also note that if you’ve selected the Participation approach or Points approach for Assessment Content, the student receives full credit in the Gradebook for completing the assessment, regardless of % score or # of attempts. Students will still see a visual representation (thumbs up/thumbs down) of how they are performing on the topics and assessments.





Comprehensive Assessments

In addition to the Module Assessments, you can include Comprehensive Assessments to evaluate students’ understanding of multiple content areas.  

Screenshot of comprehensive assessment creation page with a red box around the choices to create an assessment or not

To skip this step, select “I do not want to create a comprehensive assessment at this time.” The instructions below will show you how to create a comprehensive assessment.


First, select the option to create a comprehensive assessment (1) 

Next, enter a name for your assessment. This is a mandatory field (2) 

Adjust the start/end dates and end time, if desired (3)

You then have the option to choose either 25 questions or 50 questions (4) 


Screenshot of creating as assessment with red numbers listed next to the steps

Finally, you will have the option to turn “OFF” any topics you do not want included in the comprehensive assessment (5)


Screenshot of choices to include in the comprehensive assessment with some parts of modules turned off

If you would like to create another assessment, select “Create Another Assessment” at the bottom of the page. Or, if you are finished, select “Next Step.” If you wish to stop creating your assessment you can select “Cancel.”


Screenshot of the buttons to create another assessment or move on

You can return to the Comprehensive Assessments tab at any time to create additional assignments, or to preview/edit existing ones.


To proceed to the Summary tab and complete class setup, select "I do not want to create a comprehensive assessment at this time" (1) then click Next Step (2).


Screenshot of the comprehensive assessment creation page with the choice to not create an assessment at this time outlined in red




The last step of class setup provides a Summary of all content you have chosen to include in the class. Please take a moment to note your Class ID.


Class ID 

Each class created within DC 360 will have a unique Class ID. You must provide the unique Class ID to students in order for them to access the DC 360 class, take assignments, and submit their scores to your Gradebook. It is recommended to paste your Class ID into your syllabus, learning management system, or an email to students.

screenshot of class summary page with red arrow pointing to class ID


The Class ID will also remain on your Classes page for future reference, and will be sent to the e-mail address associated with your account.

Screenshot of classes page with red arrow pointing to class ID


Finalize the Class

In the Summary tab, you can make any changes to Module Content, Grading Rules, or Comprehensive Assessments by clicking the “Edit” buttons, which will direct you back to the appropriate tab.

Screenshot of class summary page with edit boxes outlined and a red arrow pointing to the boxes



​​To print the summary outline (e.g., to distribute to the class as a syllabus), click on the blue “Print Summary” button at the bottom. Complete the class creation process by clicking

“Go to Dashboard” at the bottom of the page.


Screenshot of Go To Dashboard button with a red arrow pointing to it

scroll to top icon