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Instructor: Dashboard and Metrics: Dosage Calc 360
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To access your Dashboard of student performance data, select the "View" button next to a class.

Screenshot of classes page in Dosage Calc 360 with red arrow pointing to View button

The Dashboard view provides at-a-glance, actionable analytics for instructors. Class performance indicators include participation rate, average assessment score, average time spent, and top 5 topic strengths/weaknesses. 

Screenshot of dashboard in Dosage Calc 360


Metrics View


The Metrics view helps you to identify class strengths and weaknesses on a topic-by-topic basis. To access from the Dashboard page, you can select the “View Metrics” button or click the METRICS tab at the top of the page. 


Screenshot of red arrow pointing to view metrics button on the dashboard


Screenshot of metrics page with red arrow pointing to metrics tab and the first module



For each topic, a quick glance reveals overall class performance on the practice exercises or the module assessment. For overall class performance, you may see the following:


Green thumbs-up: The average score of all students in the class is 85% or better for the topic.


Yellow thumbs-up: The average score of all students in the class is between 70-84% for the topic.


Red thumbs-down: The average score of all students in the class is 69% or below for that topic.


To expand a topic and display individual student performance, select "View Students." You will see a performance indicator for each individual student. 

Screenshot of metrics page with expanded module and red arrow pointing to view students



To see the recorded answers from a particular student, click "View Results."

Screenshot of student metric line with red arrow pointing to view results



Discussion Board

Dosage Calc 360° includes a discussion board, through which you may create topics for students to discuss and respond to. To access the discussion board from the main Dashboard, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “View Discussions.”

Screenshot of discussion board with red arrow pointing to view discussion board button

Add a new question or prompt using the “Add New Topic” button. Enter the topic and text body, then click “Publish” when ready to post.


screenshot of discussion board page with red arrow pointing to add new topic

screenshot of example creation of discussion board topic


For an existing topic, select the green “View” button to see students’ responses.


Screenshot of discussion board page with red arrows pointing to add new topic and view

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